Are you looking for a great new sewing machine with advanced sewing functionality? Read this Singer Quantum Stylist 9960 review and learn all about this great computerized sewing machine. The Singer Quantum Stylist has loads of great features that an advanced sewer would love to be able to have. It’s also super easy to use. Check out this full review of the Singer 9960 to learn more.
9 Best Embroidery Machines for Home Business [Review and Compare]
Need an embroidery machine for your home business? Embroidery machines can be useful to have for many different business uses. From embroidering your logo on shirts and swag, to creating beautiful embroidered designs to sell in your shop. If you are looking to embroider things for your business, you should read this article and learn all about the best embroidery machines for home businesses.
Brother PE535 Review
Looking for a new computerized embroidery machine? This Brother PE535 review covers the features and capabilities of this computerized embroidery only machine. This embroidery machine is great for people to learn how to do computerized embroidery or for advanced embroiderers. Learn all about the Brother PE535 in this review, and find out of this is the embroidery machine for you.
6 Best Sewing Machines for Thick Fabric [Review and Compare]
Sewing thick or heavy fabric and need a sewing machine that can handle it? These are the best sewing machines for thick fabric. These heavy duty sewing machines are the best sewing machines for denim and jeans, sewing outdoor canvas, and marine sewing projects. These heavy duty sewing machines can sew through thick fabric like denim, canvas, leather, vinyl, and fake fur easily. Keep reading and learn all about the best sewing machines for heavy fabric.
Brother XM2701 Sewing Machine Review
Looking for a new sewing machine for a beginner sewer or someone who only sews occasionally? The Brother XM2701 is one of Brother’s entry level mechanical sewing machines. Learn about this sewing machine in our Brother XM2701 sewing machine review.
11 Best Mechanical Sewing Machines [Review and Compare]
Buying a new mechanical sewing machine? We’ve reviewed the best mechanical sewing machines in this post. Everything from beginner sewing machines to advanced and heavy duty sewing machines. Find out what features you should look for in a new mechanical sewing machine. Then find your perfect new machine here.
6 Best Fashion Designer Sewing Machines [Review and Compare]
Interested in designing clothes for yourself or others? Looking for a sewing machine that can stand up to fashion school and sewing clothing? Check out the best fashion designer sewing machines here. These sewing machines range from sewing machines appropriate for just starting fashion design school to heavy duty machines that will last you for years as a professional fashion designer. Learn which fashion sewing machine is best for you.
Singer 4432 vs 4423 – Which one should you buy? [Review and Compare]
In this Singer 4432 vs 4423 article you’ll learn all about these heavy duty sewing machines. Which of these sewing machines is better and which one should you buy? Read on to learn what makes each machine different and to find out which machine is the best for you.
Singer Heavy Duty 4432 Review and Compare – Is it worth it?
The Singer 4432 heavy duty sewing machine is one of Singer’s heavy duty model sewing machines. This machine comes with a ton of features to make sewing projects easier and faster. It is also touted as being a true workhorse, both stronger and faster than your average machine. Is this machine really that great? Read this Singer heavy duty 4432 review and find out of this heavy duty sewing machine is worth it.
What is a Self Healing Cutting Mat?
What is a self healing cutting mat? How do you use a self healing cutting mat? Have you ever found yourself asking these questions? In this post, we’ll answer all of these questions and more. We’ll talk about what a self healing cutting mat is and what makes it so special. We’ll talk about how to use your self healing cutting mat, what you should look for in a new cutting mat, and more. So keep reading and learn why self healing cutting mats are so great.